CrestoPro™ C373
CrestoPro™ C373 is a revolutionary all-in-one, fast dissolving tablet that is 5-10 times more concentrated than typical cooling water products, incorporating elements of scale and corrosion control over a wide LSI range of +0.5 to +3.0.
Provides our users with the following benefits:
- Easy make-up of the day tank to required dosage and dosing pump capacity.
- Suitable for troubleshooting fouled systems, online cleaning or passivation.
- Eliminates corrosion issues from over usage of oxidizing biocides due to the mentioned component being absent in the product.
- Eliminates liquid spill hazards or powder dust related problems.
- Eliminates the need to transport heavy pails and drums to the top of the containment building or difficult to access areas and removes the concerns and cost of proper disposal of the drums and pails.
- Compatible with other cooling water treatment chemicals at normal use conditions.
- Suitable for systems with calcium hardness of ≥ 100 ppm as CaCO3 and pH < 9.5.
- With CrestoGuard DTec technology, it enables user to check if dosage is sufficient and to determine system blowdown rates.